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This webinar was held on Monday, February 13, 2023, from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. ET.



This webinar provides an overview of the design, implementation, and maintenance of FocalPoint stormwater systems.

FocalPoint is an online stormwater BMP that utilizes regionally acceptable vegetation planted in a high-flow rate biofiltration media layer that treats stormwater pollutants such as total suspended solids (TSS), nutrients, metals, and bacteria.  The high-flow rate media allows for a system footprint that is notably smaller than that of traditionally sized filtering BMPs, making it an ideal option for sites with limited amounts of available space.  The system also has an optional modular underdrain which can be used to provide additional subsurface storage/detention.


Christopher Dill, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

W. Scott Gourneau, Convergent Water Technologies

Rob Woodman, Ferguson Waterworks

Mark Hollis, Diprete Engineering

Larry Colantuono, Safe Harbor Wickford Cove

Chris Dill.jpg

Christopher Dill, E.I.T.

Environmental Engineer

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Chris is a stormwater engineer who has been with RIDEM for two and a half years.  He has a Bachelor’s degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering from UMass Dartmouth and his background includes work and research involving construction materials and water treatment technology.  In addition to reviewing stormwater construction projects, he also reviews applications for proprietary stormwater treatment technologies that get submitted to RIDEM for approval. 


W. Scott Gorneau, PE

Vice President of Innovation

Convergent Water Technologies

Manages accounts seeking to grow their businesses by offering innovative green infrastructure/low-impact stormwater solutions that enable new applications and raise the bar on performance, cost-effectiveness, and verification. Earned a BS in Biological Systems Engineering in 1996 and an MS in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering in 1998 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is a registered professional engineer in Maine and New Hampshire and a certified stormwater inspector in Maine. He is an avid fisherman, outdoorsman, and defender of natural resources.


Robert (Rob) J Woodman, PE, NGICP, CPESC

Urban Green Infrastructure National Manager

Ferguson Waterworks

Rob graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering. He spent the first 10 years as a project engineer for a consulting firm, working on stormwater engineering design projects for clients throughout New England. Rob now serves Ferguson Enterprises as the National Manager of Urban Green Infrastructure and supports on-site development and green infrastructure systems. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Maine and Pennsylvania, NGICP certified, a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Maine DEP Certified Stormwater Inspector, an ASCE member, and serves as an associate board supervisor for the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District in southern Maine.


Mark Hollis

Product Manager

DiPrete Engineering

Project Manager at DiPrete Engineering with over 12 years of experience with commercial site engineering. Mr. Hollis joined DiPrete Engineering in 2018 after spending six years as a Stormwater Engineer with the City of Worcester. He has a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UMass Lowell. As one of DiPrete’s Project Managers, Mr. Hollis is responsible for all aspects of a project including client management, scope, design and public hearings.

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Larry Colantuono

General Manager

Safe Harbor Wickford Cove


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